I went away to visit family down in the South~West and took lots of photographs of the wildflowers that are blooming around my sister's property.
Here's one:
These delicate little flowers (which, I think, are a type of native orchid) also grow in the Darling Ranges, where I grew up. I used to believe that fairies lived in them when I was really little, inspired by my mother's copy of A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Can't you just imagine it?
(Incidentally, I came across Little Black Knitting Crow's photography blog: little clicking crow and really enjoyed looking at her photos of Tasmanian wildflowers and such. She has a wonderful eye. I'm also the proud owner of one of her lino prints. )
I've managed to bead a few memory wire bracelets.
One, just like this, for my mum's birthday:
and another pink one for me:
I've also been working on my Spring Ripple Scarf.
I'm using Noro Kureyon Sock Yarn Number 188 and I think that the colours are delicious!
...and now it's time for me to get back to marking.
Have a wonderful week.