I am busy, busy, busy getting organised
but I didn't want to go without saying goodbye to all my dear blog buddies and readers
or without sharing a little something of what I've been doing since I posted last.
I've been crocheting a Sweet Lorraine scarf to keep me warm when I get up to the north of Vietnam:

It's working up really, really quickly.
The pattern calls for Foundation Single Crochet at the start, which you can see at the top of the following photograph:

I've never used the Foundation Single Crochet stitch before and it's a little tricky but it creates a very stable foundation so I'm glad I've worked it out. (I found this Ravelry thread really helpful, if you'd like to have a go too.)
I have taken some not~very~good photographs of the glass beads I made at a workshop at Fremantle Arts Centre.
Here are my favourites:

I've been gardening,
watched over by a gentle mother dove who's made a nest just by my back door:

...and I've finally got around to photoshopping the last of my wildflower shots:

I wonder what my next post will contain?
Adventure awaits!