I've loved the opportunity I've been given to express myself,
to share photos, drawings, musings, crochet, my attempts at knitting...
Most of all,
I've enjoyed the connections I've made with other people.
There is so much inspiration here in Blogland!
to celebrate,
I'm having a give~away which includes:
- a crochet washcloth with some hand~made rose geranium and pink clay soap,
- an affirmation pebble,
- and a small print of one of my paintings.
The washcloth is made out of Peaches'n Creme kitchen cotton using the Victorian Lace pattern from 200 Crochet Blocks:
the affirmation pebble will look something like these:
(I'll pencil on an affirmation of the winner's choice, if they like),
the print is of a pastel and watercolour painting of chrysanthemums:
Edited Christmas 2009: Please do not copy the image below. I did not give Bing permission to use this painting in their Christmas card images and I don't give you permission either! If you want to use any of my images you'll need to email me and get my OK first of all. I can be contacted at inkberryblue (at) gmail (dot) com. Thank you for your understanding.

...and in answer to someone's question,
I haven't used any scrapbooking techniques,
the painting's all my own work.
All you have to do is leave a comment telling me how you found Inkberryblue. I'll close the contest on Saturday, 10th May (which gives people a fortnight) and announce the winner on the following day.
Don't be shy!
I am trying to relax from getting very angry over a piece of news, and I'm just swirling down the infundibulum of blogrolls. I was at A Bowl of Hours and the title "Inkberryblue" was appealing because I'd been musing over a photographer's turning the blue feet of a booby so blue that it turned the guano on the rock upon which it stood blue too!
Thus, I found you.
I honestly don't remember how I found you. I guess it's not important how I got here....just that I have arrived and visit for a spell each time you have something to say.
Have a sparklin' day!
I found your blog through a comment link on my blog.
Happy blog-versary!
I think I found you on someone elses blogroll and because blue featured in the title I popped over. Been popping back ever since.
Happy Blogiversary! What lovely prizes... I found you through Wiknit.
i stumbled in some time ago and have lurked here and there. The name inkberryblue lured my attention, love it! I believe i stumbled through someones blog but do not remember who it was.
Your stones are very cool. Do you transfer the flowers or watercolor them yourself?
by the way happy blogiversary!
Found you via Wiknits.
Read a few of your blog posts and I want to add your blog to my feed reader now!
Congrats on blogging for a whole year!
I found you through Indigo Blue. :)
Congrats! I found you through WiKnit. You are a very talented painter.
i found you via wiknits, but how come i haven't read your blog sooner, i do not know. i like it :0)
Happy Blogoversary! I found your blog through Wilknit. I think that your crochet is gorgeous, and your watercolors are stunning! Great job!
WiKnit sent me.
Happy Blogiversary!
I think it's great that I'm still finding wonderful knitting people out there in blogland. I happened upon your site through Wiknit. Your painting is absolutely beautiful.
I found you on a blogroll and love your blog:)
congrats on 1 year! i found you via wiknit. thanks for offering your giveaway - your painting is gorgeous!
Happy blogiversary! Came by way of wiknit. What lovely prizes! You are very talented.
I found you via WiKnit. Congratulations on your blogiversary! And may I say that your watercolor is gorgeous? I work in oils because I don't have the patience for watercolor. ;)
-Jen, a.k.a. cthulhulovesme on Ravelry
I, too, found you through WiKnit. Happy blogiversary!
I found you on WiKnit. Great contest :o)
I also found you on WiKnit! I admire people who can paint.... I can't hardly stay in the lines when I color with my cousins!!! :)
I found you listed on the contest page - what is it - WiKnit. All the prizes you posted are quite lovely!
Hey, I'm not sure, girl, you know that! Happy blogiversary! I'm so happy for you and count me in on the giveaway :)
Oh, I missed the part about telling you how I found my way here. To be honest, I don't remember. As you know I've pretty much been a regular visitor here since the beginning - I think ... and maybe it was you who commented on my blog so I got here because of that. Or I may have found you on another of my favorite blogs, so that's how I got here ...
I found you by way of Andrea at Indigo Blue.
I liked the 'small is beautiful' link you had posted and have been coming back for a visit ever since.
Love the painting, it's beautiful.
Congratulations on your blogiversary!
Wow, you have so many talents! I found you through wiknit, and I have to say I'm really impressed with your creative pursuits. Great painting!
I also found you through wiknit - best wishes on your anniversay - way to go - we all enjoy your beautiful products.
I am not sure how I found your blog. You may have posted on the grannyalong blog, or the LJ knitting blog, or the zimmermania blog. It was from one of the three! I really enjoy your paintings when you post them.
inkberry, your face cloth is beautiful. I too, love lacy cloths for my face.
I found you through the 'granny-along' blog site.
Congratulations on your first anniversary!
I found you through wiknit! What a beautiful dishcloth!
How I found you? Granny Along site, and somehow I ended up there following a post on my site. I'm trying to learn to crochet and need to figure how to move from row one to row two! LOL! Looks like you're way ahead of me though!
Awesome, awesome painting too ...
I found your blog through the granny along site! Happy Anniversary!
happy blogiversary to you!! hmm, i'm not sure how i originally found your site. but i'm glad i know of it! :-)
Hi! I found you from the Granny Along site, as well, where I lurk :) We are having a blogiversary contest at our blog this week, also, and invite you to check it out!
Hi there, found you through a link from Indigo Blue Designs.
I love your watercolour of the crysanthymums - beautiful
Happy Blogversary!!! I found you threw Wiknit.I love your spring theme lovely:)Hugs Darcy
I don't really remember where I found you, but I think it may have been through the granny-along group site. Love your blog - have been visiting it for quite awhile now. Happy Year One! That blue dish cloth is beautiful!
Happy Blogger Birthday! I found you via The Granny Along Blog. I have just used 'Peaches and Cream' for the first time having been given some as part of a Granny Along Secret Swap! Lovely pictures very you take everything is so pretty and peaceful looking!
Best Wishes, Lindsay
I found you on good old WiKnit. Your painting /artwork is so lovely. Some art I dont get. YOURS I get! Happy blogaversary!
Hello & Happy Blogversary! I found your blog by way of the Wiknit blog. Your watercolor painting looks really beautiful (hope I win). You are very talented.
I dont have a blog but if you're on ravelry my username is OhAmy. Thanks for the contest
Happy Blog-aversary! I found your blog via 'Granny Along'. I didn't know about this one? Where have I been? Apparently not at home...I love this blog of yours. I'm glad I found it.
Happy Blogiversary! I found you through WiKnit.
congrats on your blogiversary! i am an avid crocheter who is recently getting back into it after a 10 year hiatus...currently i'm into reading and admiring other people's crochet/knitting blogs and i blog-jumped from other blogs to find yours...thanks for letting me participate in your contest!
I found you on Granny-Along! There seems to be many of us out here... Happy Blogiversary and keep on making those grannies. I love Jan's book.
BTW - the print is GORGEOUS!
I found you through Granny-along. And you are an artist!
Happy anniversary! I found you through the Passionate Blogger folks (since I am one, as well). I love that painting! Keep on blogging -- you bring a smile to my face when I visit.
Happy blogiversary!
I've found you through WiKnit, and I'm glad I hopped over as it gave me the opportunity to see your lovely painting... it is really beautiful!
Happy blogiversary!
I found your Inkberry Blue blog in a link from Granny Along which I have marked as a favourite but haven't been into for a while even though I have just finished my first granny afghan!!
I just love the crocheted cloth with the flowers - a great photo.
I think I found you through "Small is Beautiful" and loved your avatar, took a look at your blog, sat back and relaxed!
I totally admire your range of crafts.
Happy Blogversary!
Happy blogiversary...great idea.
I found you over on Ravelry. Nice to see your range of works.
I found you by way of ravelry, and I absolutely ADORE your marigold painting. My living room (my creative space) is filled with oranges and greens and it would showcase your painting beautifully! You are extremely talented!
I, too, have been blogging for a year,and I am always curious about how people stumbled upon my blog. What a great idea to celebrate your anniversary.
I found you off of the Blogging group, contest thread on Ravelry.
I love contests, I have one every month that has 31 days in it. Fell free to stop by anytime.
I found you on Ravelry!
Happy Blogiversary!!!
I found you via Peta's giveaway... I see I'm too late for yours... happy blogiversary by the way...
I love the idea of the affirmation pebbles... I'll just have to make my own!
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